Offline Marketing

The Best Color Schemes For Selling Part 1

colorwheel1In this day and age, advertising can be as simple as filling out a template or website theme. There are gajillions of ways to personalize any theme you create, with graphic design, css and some creative SEO Salt Lake City. However, one of the most important personalization techniques that often gets over looked is the use of color. There are certain color combinations for different niches: food, fitness, technology, health and beauty, automotive, the list goes on and on. In this installment, we will examine the color schemes that are most likely to sell to Google’s industry categories from Google Analytics.

Arts and Entertainment

The current trend here is to have a black background in portfolio sites. A white contrast of text and headlines is stark and simple, and keeps the focus on your art. This makes your images pop out strongly. For entertainment websites, the background is not so important. However red headlines are rather standard. They are warm, loud and exciting.

Automotive Advertising Colors

The automotive industry is culturally geared towards men. This means lots of black, grey and metallic (but not glittery) shades are effective. As far as selling cars, a clean design is most important. This does not have to mean black and white however. You do want a horizontal layout, as this makes cars look nicer. Large, sleek images are ideal, with a stylized background that has a lighter color gradient which gets brighter either towards the car image, or on a horizontal line. So if the vehicle color is navy blue, an aqua tone will work great as the background. For performance cars, black background is a must. As far as automotive service websites, friendly designs are important.

Beauty and Fitness

This category should be very image centered. Clean modern designs are essential if you are selling a trending beauty or fitness product. The hottest trend is a solid white background, with black and one other color for the accent. The “other color” should be a clean calm, almost pastel accent. Or bright pink.

Don’t see you industry category? Don’t worry. The next blog will cover more industry categories and the color schemes ideal for their customers.