Offline Marketing

Happy Halloween

Google PenaltyHappy Halloween from all of us here at the Offline Marketing blog! Speaking of Halloween, many choose to celebrate the creepy holiday by hanging scary sign shop Salt Lake City from their front porches. Sometimes these signs contain simply iconography without writing. This iconography might be a pumpkin, witch, goblin, ghost or any number of things. Other signs might contain verbal messages expressing sentiments of the season.

Speaking of hanging signs Salt Lake City the strange neighbor down the street has hung neither a sign nor a banner in recent memory. Part of me half expected him to hang a Halloween related sign or banner from his porch. It would have been like the good old days all over again. In my mind I picture a black sign with orange lettering reading “Happy Halloween Susan!!!”

All of his previous signs were directed to a Susan who happened to be suffering from cancer and who lived across the street from him. This poor Susan (from all accounts) was not comfortable with this man’s signage but did not have the heart to tell him. In fact the signs made the entire neighborhood uncomfortable but because his heart was in the right place no one could muster the courage to tell him to stop. Eventually the neighborhood home owners’ association issued a letter to the man instructing him to cease and desist all future hangings of either signs or banners directed to Susan.

He finally did hang one last somewhat sarcastic sign that read simply, “HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!” Now his porch remains vacant (sign wise). It remains to be seen whether the man will hang another sign. Perhaps another neighbor will develop cancer like Susan that can become the object of his signs. Part of me wants to see a return of the signs despite how uncomfortable they made everyone.